Ep 239 - Identifying and Understanding Process Addictions After Bariatric Surgery with Sarah Smith

Ep 239 - Identifying and Understanding Process Addictions After Bariatric Surgery with Sarah Smith

Ep 239 - Identifying and Understanding Process Addictions After Bariatric Surgery with Sarah Smith

Have you ever overcome one addiction only to find yourself struggling with another compulsive behavior?

Welcome to another episode of the BariNation Podcast! We know that after bariatric surgery, many of us experience profound changes—not just in our bodies, but in our relationships with food, alcohol, shopping, and other behaviors. That’s why we’re diving into the topic of process/transfer addiction with addiction therapist Sarah Smith. Together, we explore how addiction can evolve after surgery, the triggers to watch for, and why seeking support from your surgeon or a therapist can be a game-changer. Sarah also shares the bottom line on early prevention, giving us the tools to recognize and address these patterns before they take control.


  • (00:00) Introduction

  • (00:32) The process of addiction after bariatric surgery

  • (03:04) What is transfer addiction?

  • (05:26) What triggers should you look for

  • (10:32) Seek the help of your surgeon or a therapist

  • (13:33) Sarah leaves listeners with the bottom line of early prevention

“Process addiction is just another way to describe substituting one addiction for another.” - Sarah Smith


  • After surgery, some individuals unconsciously replace food addiction with other compulsive behaviors, such as excessive shopping, alcohol, drug use, or even exercise. This shift happens because their primary coping mechanism (food) is no longer an option, leading them to seek alternatives.

  • Key red flags include increased reliance on substances or activities for emotional regulation (e.g., suddenly drinking more alcohol, excessive online shopping, or compulsive exercise). People may also notice escalating negative consequences, such as financial strain, guilt, or stress when unable to engage in the behavior.

  • If someone notices these behaviors in themselves, they should reach out to their surgeon, a therapist specializing in addiction, or supportive communities like BariNation. Talking about concerns in a shame-free environment can lead to healthier coping strategies and support for managing post-surgical challenges.


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Changes in Alcohol Use after Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery: Predictors and Mechanisms https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7057935/

Why Drinking Problems Develop After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Increased Admission for Alcohol Dependence After Gastric Bypass Surgery Compared With Restrictive Bariatric Surgery https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1679649

Alcohol Use Disorder can impact anyone on a bariatric journey. We can help in BariNation in private and confidential ways.. Connect and learn with Sarah in the BariNation Membership Community, where she leads an Addiction Transfer Support Group every Monday at 4 pm PST / 7 pm EST and General Support every other Friday at 6 pm PST/ 9 pm EST



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About BariNation: BariNation is a bariatric educational organization on a mission to empower patients to access and utilize the tools, resources, and education needed to find and maintain personal wellness. We connect patients with the support they need and when and where they need it. BariNation produces an award-winning weekly podcast distributed on all major podcast and video platforms and hosts a support membership community that teams up with credentialed and licensed bariatric experts and clinicians.

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